Member Spotlight
Keith Dahlby
Founding Engineer, Abbot
Member Since March, 2020
Keith Dahlby is a father, web developer, Git enthusiast, language geek and long-time C# MVP from Cedar Rapids, Iowa. He's building [Abbot](, a Copilot for Customer Success, with A Serious Business. He used to accelerate world-changing ideas with [NewBoCo](, was the founding instructor for [DeltaV Code School](, and made rich people lots of money in e-commerce. His open source efforts include [posh-git](, a Git environment for PowerShell; [](, a site featuring open source projects looking to mentor new contributors; and promiscuous contributions to dozens of other projects, including time as a core contributor to [LibGit2Sharp](, used by GitHub for Windows and Git for Visual Studio. Keith studied Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, and Human-Computer Interaction at Iowa State University, and has spoken at developer events around the world. His talks have been described as "terrific!", "very interactive!", and "the best I've seen all hour!".
Your developer heroes are just people like you.
Keith Dahlby
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